Die BiXenons muessen zuerst einen kleinen umbau haben ... and der alten kabel gab es nur einen "ERDE" (earth wire), und an der neuen muss zwei vorhanden sein... das is erledigt mit einer kleinen ueberbruekung.....
Hier die kabel information (Ich habe keinen pigtail verwendet ... nur die kabel umgesteckt....
Post from Benzworld
am getting ready to install the new headlights into my 2000 ML. I looked at the headlamp harness connector. I understand what all of the wires are for with the exception of the following:
Orange in Pin B
Blue in Pin C
Does anyone know what the function of these wires is?
I understand that pink is low beam, Brown is ground, Green is city/parking, white is hi beam and grey is Fog. In all of the previous posts, no one seems to say what the orange and blue are for.
Scorchie posted all of that, please do a search under wiring keyword.
It could be a Euro thing because if you look at the headlight connector, there's no wire connected to pin B & C.
once posted that information but I can't find it anymore using search. It may have been older than the oldest messages.
But, my notes happen to be right on my desk right now!
1998-2001 without HID is wired as follows (colors listed are for the WIRING HARNESS OF THE VEHICLE):
A/pink - low beam
B/orange - n/c
C/blue - n/c
D/none - n/c
E/brown - ground
F/green - city/parking/standing
G/white - high beam
H/grey - fog light
The MY2002+ bixenon comes wired as follows (colors listed are for the WIRING HARNESS INSIDE THE HEADLIGHT):
A/brown - ground (city/high beam)
E/brown - ground (low beam)
F/white - high beam
G/grey - city light
H/yellow - low
On the new headlights, pop off the connector and push the pins out, and replace them in their new positions.
Tips for adjustment
Hi, after reading some of the posts on this subject WHAT IS THE CORRECT PROCEDURE FOR ADJUSTING is it turn bolth screws at the same time and direction for verticle then adjust horizontal with the just outside alone----or is it----- turn the inner screw for vert and outer for horiz.
It is very easy.
Just adjust each light and each adjustment (up-down / left-right) one at a time. The key is to mark your test screen (for me a garage door) accurately AND to have 25 feet between the lights and the test screen.
If you have any questions, just pull out your owner's manual and follow the instructions. The part about using a level requires a special tool. For me, I just marked the height of the lights and then used that mark for my vertical (up-down) target. After that I just did a little test drive and made a few minor adjustments from there.
If this sounds too difficult, then just take it to the dealer. Should be less than $100.
US Vehicle Spec Modification for XENONS
Extremely easy. Do a search and you will find pictures. (1) Open the hood. (2) Remove the body trim below the light by squeezing the tabs located by the lower inside corner of the headlight (visible when the hood is open. (3) Remove the nuts behind the body trim and the bolt on top. (4) When you pull the headlight out, you will see the wiring and where it plugs/unplugs--unplug it. (5) Replace with new lights. (6) Upgrade fuse. (7) For 2000 and newer, you will likely need to have the dealer change the AAM setting from halogen to xenon.
I installed E-code bi-xenons on my 2001 ML. It is a very easy thing to do WITHOUT the adapters - all it requires is:
1. Buy a set of bi-xenons for 400-600EUR on ebay.de
2. Inside the headlights, connect the two brown grounds at positions A and E together (the bi-xenon has two ground circuits and your 2000 lights have one).
3. Move around the pins on the headlight connector in the headlights to match the wiring in your 2000 ML; that part is pretty easy once you know the differences in the wiring (see below - that's what I worked from. Your father's wiring may look slightly different so verify first).
4. Install the lights and you are away.
Whatever you do, do NOT buy adapters from North America and install them in a German ML. The adapters sold by a number of sources in North America are not configured for your city lights to work (no wiring).
Headlight connector on E-code bi-xenons:
| A H |
| B G |_
| C F |
| D E |
B.......not used
C.......not used
D.......not used
F.......white..........high beam
G.......grey...........city light
H.......yello..........low beam
Headlight connector on 2000/2001 halogen:
| A H |
| B G |_
| C F |
| D E |
A........pink........low beam
D........not used
F........green.......city light
G........white.......high beam
H........grey........fog light
I installed E-code bi-xenons on my 2001 ML. It is a very easy thing to do WITHOUT the adapters - all it requires is:
1. Buy a set of bi-xenons for 400-600EUR on ebay.de
2. Inside the headlights, connect the two brown grounds at positions A and E together (the bi-xenon has two ground circuits and your 2000 lights have one).
3. Move around the pins on the headlight connector in the headlights to match the wiring in your 2000 ML; that part is pretty easy once you know the differences in the wiring (see below - that's what I worked from. Your father's wiring may look slightly different so verify first).
4. Install the lights and you are away.
Whatever you do, do NOT buy adapters from North America and install them in a German ML. The adapters sold by a number of sources in North America are not configured for your city lights to work (no wiring).
Headlight connector on E-code bi-xenons:
| A H |
| B G |_
| C F |
| D E |
B.......not used
C.......not used
D.......not used
F.......white..........high beam
G.......grey...........city light
H.......yello..........low beam
Headlight connector on 2000/2001 halogen:
| A H |
| B G |_
| C F |
| D E |
A........pink........low beam
D........not used
F........green.......city light
G........white.......high beam
H........grey........fog light
My wiring changes (Careful / have a Euro Spec
HALOGEN Connector (Cable from ML)
¦ A H ¦ A..... pink ..... low beam
¦ B G ¦ B.... orange
¦ C F ¦ C .... blue
¦ D E ¦ D .... not used
E .... brown .. ground
F .... green .... city light
G .... white..... high beam
H .... grey ..... fog light (connected to separate Brabus Spots)
E-Code bi Xenon Headlight Connector
¦ A H ¦ A .... brown.........ground
¦ B G ¦ B .... not used
¦ C F ¦ C .... not used
¦ D E ¦ D ..... not used
E .... brown ....... ground
F .... White ....... high beam
G .... gray ......... city light
H ..... yelllow ..... low beam
This meant that I need to pull out ( with pliers) and swap the following pins in the connector cable plug from the ML:-
1. Pink
The pink[low beam] needs to connect to "H" on the headlight
2. Gray
The gray[fog light] not implemented (wire directly to your fog lights)
3. Swap white "G" & green "H"
The white "G"[High Beam] needs to connect to "F" on the headlight
The green "H"[city light] needs to connect to "G" city light
Because there is only 1 Ground connector on the ML Cable (Brown), I hade to short "A" and "E" in the headlight as follows: -
1. remove the plug on the Bi-XENON Headlight and connect on side of a new wire with (spade) the long spade on the inside of the plug, and the other side of the new wire with(solder) the ground terminal at the bottom of the Bi-Xenon reflector housing.