Klima-automatik codes
Hi Anton,
ich habe mir die Daten mal aus ein Englisch-sprachiges Forum kopiert (Link habe ich leider nicht mehr).
Hier ist es:
On the A/C controls, press and hold the "REST" button for five seconds
(with ignition on - the car can be driven - but pay attention to the road).
The display on the left will change to 01 and the right side of the display will give the data value.
(This works on all 95 and later 202,210,208, chassis and also works on 140
by placing the left temp to LO first).
The number 01 can be incremented by pressing the left "AUTO" button. The left display changes to 02, pressing the right "AUTO" button make the left display go backward. There are numbers from 01 up to around 50.
They give the values for
many things including ALL of the temp sensors (heater cores, evap, ambient,
in car, engine coolant temp), engine speed, vehicle speed, A/C high side pressure,
refrigerant temp, whether gas or diesel, version coding, emergency A/C off
signal from engine management and others.
01 = In-car temperature sensor
02 = outside temperature sensor
03 = left heat exchanger (heater core) temp sensor
04 = right heat exchanger sensor
05 = evaporator sensor
06 = Engine coolant temperature
07 = refrigeration pressure in bar
08 = refrigeration temp sensor (23*9 = 23.9deg C)
09 = ?
10 = Blower control voltage (great for evaluating blower controller problems)
11 = emissions sensor (B31) e.g. 3.1 = 31.v
12 = sun sensor 4.2 = 4.2v
20 = aux cooling fan control 6.1 = 6.1ma (max 10ma)
21 = engine speed RPMs*1000
22 = vehicle speed KPH
23 = Circuit 58d e.g. 99 = 99% of battery voltage,
24 = BATTERY VOLTAGE e.g. 12.5 = 12.5v
40 = control module version software status (?)
41 = control module version menu hardware status
42 = control module variant code 1st number
43 = variant code second number.